Academic Dismissal


What is Academic Dismissal?

如果在十大网赌正规网址官网区任何一所学院接受留校察看或继续留校察看的学生没有获得a 学期 GPA 2.0 as well as a 累积 institutional GPA 2.在试用期结束后的一个学期,他们将被安置在 Academic Dismissal. In accordance with the Academic Standards 政策, 被开除学籍的学生必须休学一个完整的秋季或春季16周的学期. Students placed on Academic Dismissal will receive ace的电子邮件 在学期结束时通知他们自己的状态. 

If you are not sure which level of dismissal you are on,您可以向学术开除小组发送电子邮件,要求在以下地址对您的记录进行审查 Please include your full name and banner ID in the message.

What happens if I am placed on 1st Academic Dismissal?

东北湖景学院的学术标准政策规定,被开除学籍的学生必须休学一(1)周,才能被认为有资格返校. After the sit-out period, students are required to complete the petition 过程 to be considered eligible for registration. Petitions are reviewed with an academic advisor by appointment only. No summer petitions are accepted at Northeast Lakeview 大学.

注意: 希望注册并且不想在整个秋季或春季学期中缺席的学生可以提交一份完整的解雇请愿书,以作为静坐期的例外. 完成申请程序并获得要求的静坐期例外的学生可以注册课程,但他们必须遵守学术解雇学生协议表格上的所有要求.

Petitioning does not guarantee approval of enrollment. 这是在学术顾问的自由裁量权,以确定它是学生的最佳利益注册或坐在16周的要求,如所述 政策

What happens if I am placed on 2nd Academic Dismissal?

第二次学术解雇发生在第一次学术解雇的学生在申请学期没有成功的情况下, or have another 学期 with their 学期 GPA below 2.0 and/ or do not meet all of the petition requirements.

一旦最终成绩公布,学生将通过ace电子邮件收到通知. 被第二次开除学籍的学生将被要求休学一(1)个完整的16周学期(春季或秋季) Alamo 大学 区 政策.

After one full 16-week 学期, students must complete the petition 过程 to be considered eligible for registration. No summer petitions are accepted at Northeast Lakeview 大学.


Petitioning does not guarantee approval of enrollment. 

What happens if I am placed on 3rd Academic Dismissal?

第三次退学发生在被第二次退学的学生在申请学期中(1)也没有成功, or 2) a consecutive 学期 and receive a 学期 GPA below 2.0 and/ or do not meet all of the petition requirements. 永久学术开除发生在第三次被开除后的任何时间. 一旦最终成绩公布,学生将通过ACES电子邮件收到通知. 有三次或三次以上学术解雇的学生没有资格申请或注册至少一(1)个完整学年(秋季), 春天, 夏季). 静坐到规定的时间后,学生必须完成 petition 过程 to be considered eligible for registration. No summer petitions are accepted at Northeast Lakeview 大学. Information regarding the Alamo 大学 区 Academic Standing 政策 can be found online.


Petitioning does not guarantee approval of enrollment. 


如果你从另一所学校(包括十大网赌正规网址官网区其他学院)被解雇后转到东北湖景学院, you will need to complete the Academic Dismissal 过程 prior to being eligible to enroll in courses. No summer petitions are accepted at Northeast Lakeview 大学.

How do I submit a request to appeal under academic dismissal with NLC?

如果您已经确认了您所处的解雇级别,并希望对您的解雇状态提出上诉, click the link below to get started. Make sure to review all instructions and deadlines posted on the Academic Dismissal Petition Process page to get started.

Academic Dismissal Petition Process