

To petition under academic dismissal with 东北湖景学院 you must follow Steps 1-3 and request to petition within the deadline time frame listed below. Petition requests are only reviewed if you will be enrolling as a 东北湖景学院 student. Students wishing to petition at a different Alamo 大学 must submit the petition to that institution.

Disclaimer: The 学术解雇 Petition does NOT apply to your financial aid status. This only applies as an appeal to register for classes with 东北湖景学院. 如果你被暂停接受经济援助, 然后,你必须重新审查申请标准,以便对你的经济援助暂停提出上诉 在这里 因为这是两个独立的过程.

  • 完成学业解雇申请表格.

    一旦你完成了录取程序, 你可以进行下一步了, 要填哪张 NLC学术解雇请愿请求 填写并在线提交表格. 您可以点击上面的链接,或使用二维码完成:


    请先填妥“ 录取过程 提交ting prior to completion of the 录取过程 will delay your ability to move to the next step.

    填妥此表格后, if your 录取过程 is complete the 学术解雇 petition will be sent to your ACES student email. 请允许4-5个工作日的答复.


    Emails will be the primary method of communication and all notifications will be sent to your ACES student email. It is expected that you will check your student ACES email regularly in order to ensure the process may proceed without delay.   

  • 提交学术解雇申请包.

    You will receive an email to your ACES Student Email that will give you access to complete the electronic 学术解雇 Petition form. This electronic form will be sent from the Adobe software and will allow you to make edits to the form online. 审阅表格中的所有说明,并在最后期限前完成. 当您提交时,请确保您的包:

    • Is completed in full- incomplete packets will not be considered eligible to move forward to the Dismissal Interview.
    • Please check your ACES student email frequently for updates regarding your petition status.

    注:提交不完整的资料包会延误申请程序, as you will not be able to be scheduled for a Dismissal Interview until a completed packet has been resubmitted. Depending on the volume of packets received, it may take 1-2 business weeks for review. 为了确保您能够在截止日期前完成申请流程, 建议您尽早开始这个过程,并尽快完成每一步.

    未在规定期限内完成所有部分的学生, 11:59 PM将需要开始下一个可用学期的流程.

  • 参加解雇面谈

    If all portions of the academic dismissal petition packet are complete then you will be contacted via your ACES student email with a request to book an academic dismissal interview. Be aware that a request for a dismissal interview will be reviewed AFTER submission of your petition packet. 需要考虑的一些事情:

    • 面试是按照提交的顺序安排的,先到先得.
    • 为了确保你有机会与导师进行面试, 您必须在优先级截止日期之前完成解雇流程的所有部分.
    • Missed interviews without prior notification will result in an automatic denial of your petition for the semester. If you must change your scheduled appointment date, please notify the 学术解雇 team at nlc-acaddism@e-hazir.net 尽快. 
    • It is important that you be checking your email regularly and schedule your session 尽快. 面试必须至少提前24小时安排, 因此,一旦所有的面试名额都填满了, 我们不能处理你的请愿书. 


    Students will meet with a certified academic advisor to review their petition packet and discuss their plan to be successful. 在解雇面试中, 学生将得到一个关于请愿书是否被批准的决定. 如果申请被批准,学生将有资格注册. 

    You will also be registered for the required Strategies for Success course (SDEV0171). 

    关于这门课的更多信息在解雇面谈期间提供. 在你的面试中, 指导老师将讨论影响你之前学业成功的因素, 这些因素是如何解决的, and what tools you have developed since you last attended that will help you be successful upon your return.

    除了, specific resources and support services that will enable you to be successful will be recommended. 如果你的学术解雇申请被批准, 然后,你将在面试期间向指导老师注册.    


以下是关于2024年秋季的信息 & 2025年春季:



















Students who complete all steps of the petition process by the priority deadline are guaranteed an opportunity to interview.


Students who completed all steps after the priority deadline are reviewed on a first-come-first-served basis in order of process completion. 面试时间有限.