Cardiac Sonography

Program Level: Certificates
Department: 健康care Sciences and Early Childhood and Family Studies
Institute: 健康 & Biosciences
College: 程控

What is the Cardiac Sonography program?


心脏超声程序准备个人操作作为心脏超声医师(i.e. Echocardiographer), to aid in diagnosing congenital heart disease, valvular disease, pericardial diseases, and other cardiovascular issues.

Program Goal: 

To prepare Cardiac Sonography students with the essential knowledge, 技能, and abilities to operate as entry-level, cardiac sonographers safely. 

Information Sessions

Virtual Sessions: TBD

Admissions and Prerequisite Requirements

Admissions Requirements:

  • Read the web p年龄
  • Obtained all necessary, current/valid documents
  • 了解进入心脏超声检查项目需要遵循的程序.

Prerequisite Requirements:

  • Academic- See below
  • Application to the program is required.


Academic prerequisites:

  • 毕业于经认证的侵入性心血管技术或诊断性医学超声检查专业
  • Graduate of an accredited program in Radiography Technology, Respiratory Care Technology, or Registered Nursing within 5 years.
  • 潜在的学生将在个人的基础上进行考虑,以确定他们是否有足够的解剖学和生理学背景, college algebra, pathophysiology, pharmacology and physics.

健康科学学科的所有学术课程必须以“C”(2)的成绩完成.0) or greater.

Effective Fall 2013, and based on new federal regulations, 学生不得多次重修已通过的课程.“学生有责任向学生金融服务办公室查询复读课程如何影响他们的经济援助或退伍军人援助.

要求所有心脏超声项目申请人遵循以下步骤. 未能在规定时间内完成所有项目的申请人将被排除申请资格,因此申请将不被考虑进行入学审查.

  • 符合选择标准并不能保证被录取. 最终的选择将基于申请人和可用空间.
  • 所有申请人必须在提交申请之前满足和/或完成所有课程先决条件.
  • 完整的申请包必须在6月1日之前由美国邮政服务提交并加盖邮戳.

THECB Statutory Requirement

Application and Selection Process

Program Accepts Applications: March 1 - June 1
Program Application Deadline: Postmarked June 1
Notifications Sent to Applicants: June 15th (by ace email)

未完成要求的申请人必须在程控入学要求和程控学生手册中列出的入学截止日期之前完成. 每年秋季学期,心脏超声项目都会招收新的学生. Student selection is at the discretion of program leadership, and ONLY the most qualified candidates are selected into the program. 每个学生都有公平的机会申请并接受选拔. However, NOT all candidates applying will be selected, and students must understand this program is a very demanding, highly critical career field.

Application Process:



应用 Now

Selection Process:

所有被录取的申请人将根据项目积分系统进行排名. The top 15-25 applicants will be interviewed. Notifications of selection will be sent out by June 15th. 接受心脏超声检查项目的学生将被告知何时参加强制性培训.


Additional Requirements & Information:

学生被要求参加临床轮转作为培训计划的一个组成部分. 临床地点位于圣安东尼奥地区附近,学生们预计将前往长达100英里的临床地点.


No person shall, on the basis of race, color, 性, pregnancy, religion, 信条, national origin (including ancestry), citizenship status, physical or mental disability, 年龄, marital status, 性ual orientation, 性别, trans性别 status, 性别 identity, 性别 expression, veteran or military status (including special disabled veteran, Vietnam-era veteran, or recently separated veteran), predisposing genetic characteristics, domestic violence victim status, any other protected category under applicable local, state or federal law, 或反对歧视或参与校园或政府机构投诉程序的人士, be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, 或在就业或任何由学院区赞助或开展的计划或活动中受到歧视. H.1.1

Contact Information

Interim Program Director:

Benjamin Ochoa, BS, RCIS, RCS
MLK Center for 健康 Professions (CHP), 330H



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One or more of these programs are approved Ready to Work programs. 弄清楚你是否有资格获得免费的学费和就业安置服务,这将使你获得一个有需求的职业. 

Don’t wait; apply today!More Information