Information 技术 Network Administrator

项目类型: Face-to-Face, Fully Online
项目级别: Degrees, Online, Certificates
部门: Business Information Solutions
研究所: 科学 & 技术
大学: 程控

What is Information 技术 Network Administrator?

This Associate of Applied 科学 prepares students to design, implement and troubleshoot computer networks.

What will I learn?

Students with this degree will be able to install and configure operating system software, monitor networks for performance and gather data for system optimization and tuning.

What can I do with this course of study?

Systems Engineer; IT Engineer (provide on-site network 管理ment and support; design, 部署, 管理, and configure server solutions)

What's special about the program?

Completion in this program prepares a student for industry certifications such as CCENT and CCNA, CompTIA Security + and CompTIA Network +. St. Philip’s 大学 is designated by the National Security Agency and Department of Homeland Security as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education. The designation covers academic years 2014 Through 2020.

Program Highlights

National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense 2014-2020

Contact Information

Program Director:
Yesenia Alvarez
MLK Saint Bowden Building (SAB), 132