Power Generation and Alternative Energy

项目级别: Degrees, Certificates
部门: Allied Construction Trades (ACT)
研究所: Advanced Manufacturing & 物流
大学: 程控

What is the Power Generation and Alternative Energy program?

The Power Generation and Alternative Energy program provide students with the skills and knowledge required to work in the electrical power generation industry. Students are introduced to conventional power generation as well as renewable technologies such as 风, 太阳能发电, 氢, 及堆填气体. 智能电网, and MICRO GRID. Energy Storage topics are also covered. The program offers an Occupational Skills Award, two Certificates as well as the A.A.学位. Also, offered is a Practicum (Internship) with local Industry Partners. The Department is a NABCEP (North American Board of Energy Practitioners) training center.


Students learn the skills and knowledge to be Renewable Energy Technician based on multiple fuel sources. The field of study is all-inclusive of all renewable energy disciplines and current industry needs.

What can I do with this course of study?

All avenues of Photovoltaic Sales, 设计, Installation Field Technician Solar, 风, 电厂, 生物质, 热, 水电, 氢燃料电池, 智能电网, 智能家居, 和微型智能电网".

What's special about the program?

The Program is Industry recognized with a high position placement history. The 大学 is a North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) Training Center. The program uses leading-edge industry technology in the labs and coursework. Emphases on hands-on experience.

 The program offers an Occupational Skills Award, A Certificate as well as the A.A.学位.


SWC Industrial Technology Center (ITC), B118 


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