
The Mega Lab provides all 圣安东尼奥学院 students with the latest technology and resources to complete class assignments and projects. Students can also sign up for in-person and online technology training workshops ranging in basic to advanced technical skills. Lab assistants are available to provide support with general computer uses such as applications, 软件, 和印刷. 

We also provide faculty with specialized training workshops to teach your students technology in support of your classroom assignments.  Our workshops provide training on 软件 and hardware commonly used at 圣安东尼奥学院. 

Services and 资源 Available

  • 开放存取计算机实验室
  • PC和MAC工作站
  • Printing, Scanning, and E-Fax Services
  • 高速互联网接入
  • 科技工作坊(日历)
  • 多媒体软件支持
  • Microsoft 365 教育 Licensing
  • Adobe Creative Cloud授权
  • 带上自己的设备站
  • Computer Classroom Reservations for Faculty & 工作人员
  • ace /帆布支持
  • 3D打印工作室 
  • 一键工作室

Mega Lab虚拟之旅


穆迪学习中心- 502


春天 & 秋天
8 a.m. - 6 p.m
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

7 a.m. - 6 p.m.




 拨打210.486.0160 or visit the Mega Lab Zoom room and
a Mega Lab representative can assist you.

9:00 am. - 4:00 pm

Click here to enter the Mega Lab Zoom


  • 实验室硬件和软件


    • 窗户
    • Microsoft Office Suite 2016
      (Word, Excel, 演示文稿, Access and more)
    • 套装
    • Adobe的产品
    • 可访问性软件
      (Zoomtext, Kurzweil, Dragon Speak)
    • GoPrint


    57 -虚拟瘦客户端
    34 - 窗户 PC
    20 - MAC工作站
    3 - ipad
    4 -投影仪
    1 -智能投影仪
    3 -教学工作站
    2 -高速B/W HP打印机 
    1 -彩色戴尔激光打印机
    3 -扫描仪

    请注意: The above items do not reflect a complete listing of all available 软件. Some computers may have special discipline specific 软件.  Software applications are updated as new versions become available. Please contact Mega Lab staff for additional information.
  • 教室里的实验室

    There are several computer classroom labs available for Academic Department Instructional Use on the 5th floor of the Moody Learning Center (MLC). If you are interested in reserving a computer lab for a class, please complete the 电脑室预约表格.

    Academic departments wishing to reserve an instructional lab for use at times other than regularly scheduled classes can contact the Mega Lab at sac-megalab@e-hazir.net 或致电210-486-0160.


    1 未来的教室
    1 电脑实验室
    1 Mac实验室
Microsoft 365教育版 & Adobe Creative Cloud授权

Students and teachers are eligible for a free copy of Microsoft 365 教育, 其中包括Word, Excel, 演示文稿, OneNote, 现在是微软团队, 加上额外的课堂工具. Sign up and download your free copy at: 产品.办公室.com/en-us/student/办公室-in-education 

The 十大网赌正规网址官网区 academic 软件 purchase site (http://alamo.onthehub.com) provides deep discounts on other popular 软件 titles like Adobe Creative Cloud.

  • All 十大网赌正规网址官网区 students are authorized to use the lab. Students using the computer lab will be required to sign in and out at the entry desk kiosk before using the lab.
  • 无需预约. Students will be served on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • 圣安东尼奥学院 Faculty and 工作人员 can reserve a computer lab for 圣安东尼奥学院-related functions. Please contact the lab for schedule availability.
  • Download a pdf of the full Mega Lab User Guide.