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Shop for All Y我们的 Technology Needs

爱思科技商店为学生、教职员工提供苹果和戴尔的学术折扣. As well as a full range of accessories from Apple and popular brands.

Our in-store computer service and repair is open to all students, 教师, 工作人员, 以及普通大众. 我们提供诊断、病毒服务、硬盘驱动器、RAM升级和许多其他服务. 

穆迪学习中心 (多层陶瓷)207
营业时间: Monday - Thursday 8 AM - 6 PM
电话: 210-486-0942
电子邮件: sac-techstore@e-hazir.net


的 Loan Equipment Distribution Center, located on the second floor of 穆迪学习中心, provides IT support via phone, 未经预约而来的, and email to 圣安东尼奥学院's students, 教师, 和工作人员. (阅读更多...]


Monday - Friday: 9 am to 4 pm
电话: 210-486-0030
电子邮件: sac-servicectr@e-hazir.net

阿拉莫大学 教师, Staff:
教职员工个人使用的购买可以在我们的校园商店(1819 N. Main, 穆迪学习中心 2nd floor - 207), or delivered for free to y我们的 on-campus location or home.

Current 阿拉莫大学 学生:
Purchases may be picked up in 我们的 on-campus store (1819 N. 主,穆迪学习中心,2楼- 207)或直接送货上门.

机构订单将被运送到您的家庭校园通常到您的接收室在校园或UPS邮件室. For more information on orders, you can email sac-storeorder@e-hazir.net. Please include the PO# and Apple Order Number.



  • 感谢您选择圣安东尼奥学院(SAC)技术商店购买IT产品.  We are happy to offer you the best selections at competitive prices!  Please carefully read 我们的 return policy before purchase.
  •  Please remember to save y我们的 receipt.  所有退款和换货都需要有效的收据和/或包装单.
  • 所有未开封、未使用的商品可在购买后10个工作日内退货.  Refunds will be made to the original form of payment. 
  • 客户必须出示在原始交易中使用的信用卡/借记卡. After the store return period, the customer is responsible for pursuing returns through the manufacturer.
  • After the store return period, the customer is responsible for pursuing returns through the manufacturer.
  • No returns on special orders, gift cards, consumables, or 耳机.
  • 特殊配置和订单在从我们的供应商订购产品之前全额支付.
  • 因为特殊订单是唯一的产品,我们不储存在销售楼层, 退货不能被批准,除非项目是有缺陷的,更换需要重新订购.
  • 在退货由SAC技术商店完全处理之前,有缺陷的产品将由经过认证的商店技术人员进行验证.
  • All open product returns are subject to a 15% restocking fee.
  • 的 SAC Tech Store reserves the right to deny any returns.
  • 请将所有个人资料及配件移走.
  • SAC Tech Store is not responsible for customer data on returned equipment.
  • SAC科技商店保留随时修改此退货政策的权利.


什么是爱思科技商店? 的 Ace Tech store is a one-stop shop for all technology needs. 学生, 教师, 和十大网赌正规网址官网的工作人员可以以教育折扣购买计算机设备. , the store sells computer and tech accessories, 提供多种服务, and provides ongoing workshops to showcase new technology.
你住在哪里?? 的 爱思科技商店 is located on the SAC Campus, 1819 N. 主要大街, 穆迪学习中心 (多层陶瓷207), 圣安东尼奥,德克萨斯州78212.
What types of products are for sale?

目前, the 爱思科技商店 offers a variety of products from Apple and DELL, including laptops and tablets.

目前,十大网赌正规网址官网的教职员工和学生都可以使用Microsoft Office 365. Alumni and retirees are not included in 我们的 license with Microsoft.

Who is eligible to shop at the
教师, 工作人员, 持有有效的十大网赌正规网址官网身份证件的学生有资格购买Ace技术商店提供的计算机设备和/或服务. 社区 members can participate in ongoing workshops, 获取技术相关服务, and purchase computer accessories and general merchandise. 
For student purchases, do you offer specific 硬件规格? 请浏览网站上的“按专业购物”链接,或在商店拿起信息小册子查看电脑推荐.  We are also happy to discuss options at the store.
Can institutional purchases be made at the store?

技术服务办公室批准圣安东尼奥学院的所有机构采购. 也, 2017年秋季开始, 十大网赌正规网址官网的所有苹果产品必须通过Ace技术商店购买.

Are there limitations on the number of 购买电脑?

是的. 由于合同协议, 员工和学生每学年最多可以购买一台苹果台式电脑和一台苹果笔记本电脑. 

Is the 爱思科技商店 open to the public?

是的, we are open to the public; however, 只有教师, 工作人员, 持有有效的十大网赌正规网址官网身份证件的学生有资格购买计算机设备. 社区 members can participate in ongoing workshops, and purchase computer accessories and general merchandise.

What methods of payment are accepted?

我们接受美国运通卡, 签证, 万事达卡, 以及带有有效驾照和十大网赌正规网址官网学生证的发现卡. Cash and checks are not accepted at this time. 在线订单 - 装运 address and billing address must be the same. 

有付款计划吗??  All transactions must be paid in full at the time of purchase.
Can I charge my payment to my Bursar's account?  All transactions must be paid in full at the time of purchase.
Do I have to pay sales tax since I am a student? 是的! All personal purchases are assessed the standard sales tax of 8.25%. 的re is no charge for sales tax on institutional purchases.
Can I purchase third-party warranty services? You can obtain extended coverage and protection through Safeware, Inc.
Can I configure my computer before purchasing? 是的! 如果库存中的一台电脑不能满足你的需要,我们可以为你特别订货. Special orders must be prepaid and are non-refundable. 的y will be ordered and shipped to 爱思科技商店. You will be notified when the order is ready for pick-up.
Where do I pick up my online purchase? 商店皮卡: 路边取货的在线订单可通过预约在我们的物理位置. 简单的选择 走在 as y我们的 Delivery Method at checkout. We contact you when y我们的 order is ready. 记得带上带照片的身份证件.
运输: We ship to anywhere in the continental United States (excluding P.O. Boxes) We ship via UPS, and Free two-day shipping. 包括保险.
What types of accessories are for sale?

Many Apple and third-party accessories are in stock at 爱思科技商店, 包括笔记本电脑充电器, iPhone和iPad适配器, 笔记本电脑包, 电缆, 演讲者, 耳机, 和更多的.

Can I check out a loaner laptop from 爱思科技商店? We do not offer loaner laptops. SAC students can check out a loaner laptop from the 服务 center, in the same location as 爱思科技商店, 多层陶瓷207. 在线表单
Can I use my Financial 援助 at 爱思科技商店? 现在不行.  All transactions must be paid in full at the time of purchase.
As an employee, am I eligible for a payroll deduction plan? 现在不行.  All transactions must be paid in full at the time of purchase.
Can I return or exchange products to 爱思科技商店? 有关退货或换货的信息,请参阅退货政策页面.


请致电(210)486-0942与爱思科技商店联系,或发送电子邮件至 sac-techstore@e-hazir.net. 

You can always stop in for a visit and talk to 我们的 工作人员, too!

**Order Disclaimer for Online Orders**

我们verify y我们的 method of payment, delivery address, and shipping address. 我们保留拒绝您向我们下的任何订单和/或限制任何订单数量的权利 到小的顺序, 我们的 自由裁量权. 如果我们拒绝你的订单, 我们将尝试使用您在订单中提供给我们的电子邮件地址通知您. 如果我们拒绝订单,您的信用卡或借记卡通常不会被扣款, but we will process a refund if the charge has been made against y我们的 card.
