
Traditional assignments usually provide a snapshot of the student's understanding on a point system, and it can often leave students in the dark about their areas of strength as well as those they need to develop. 然而, using an ePortfolio can provide a space for students to reflect on their experiences to deepen their learning. This allows faculty to assess the learning of the student over a 时间段 and provide guidance through constructive feedback within the ePortfolio. 通过这些教员之间的互动, students can continue to refine and draw connections that will shape their personal growth journey as well as develop a tool that showcases their skills to potential employers or transfer institutions. While t在这里 are many different ePortfolio platforms, 圣安东尼奥学院 features the use and support of eLumen ePortfolio. 


  • Student assesses their own skills through reflection
  • Student are more competitive in job market - adds value to application or resume
  • 教师/staff/programs can view student growth throughout ePortfolio completion
  • Multiple portfolios can be created - academic or professional goals
  • Assessed artifacts can be gat在这里d from instructors across campus/disciplines


ePortfolios as a High Impact Practice
  • performance expectations at appropriately high levels, and effectively communicate these expectations to students
  • 鼓励学生投资 significant and meaningful time and effort 关于真实的、复杂的任务 在一个 扩展 时间段
  • 添加 meaningful interactions amongst students and between faculty and students 关于实质性事项
  • Challenge students’ ways of thinking, increase interactions with individuals with experiences and life experiences different from their own, 多样性的经验
  • 提供 frequent, timely and constructive feedback
  • 增加周期性的,结构化的 opportunities to reflect and integrate learning
  • 提供 opportunities to discover relevance of learning through real-world applications, or add a 现实/真实的经验
  • 添加一个 公开展示能力
  • AAC格式&U资源: http://www.aacu.org/trending-topics/high-impact

eLumen ePortfolio is a online software platform used to store digital collections of artifacts such as writing samples and presentations, but it can be so much more as a High Impact Practice (HIP).



学生:点击 在这里 for help getting started with Student ePortfolio Guides

教师 & 职员:请点击 在这里 to learn more about ePortfolios through the self-paced Canvas course.