

Faculty who teach online classes believe in the learning process in an online environment and dedicate themselves to developing a curriculum that serves you as an online student. Online courses are rich educational opportunities for you during all stages of life. Because online faculty are deeply involved in course development, 相信他们的见解和建议是很重要的. 他们希望你成为一个成功的在线学习者

When we asked faculty from our 阿拉莫大学 to offer advice on how you can be a successful online learner, 具体的主题浮出水面:

  1. 仔细阅读和准备
  2. 时间管理
  3. 毅力
  4. 适当的技术


阅读图标 仔细阅读和准备

也许博士. 琳达L. Robertson-Schule, 心理学教授, says it best: “Read and re-read the course’s syllabus and the course expectations. 突出显示截止日期.” The first and most fundamental way you can succeed as an online learner highlights the importance of preparation. 虽然“阅读教学大纲”似乎不是最重要的, 这是你能采取的最关键的第一步行动. Careful reading is essential in an online environment because written communication is the best way for you to engage with professors and other students. 

The syllabus is the detailed roadmap for you that lays out the direction of the course. A few careful re-reads will ensure that you know what to expectation in depth, i.e.,截止日期和作业. 十大网赌正规网址官网的其他教师也赞同这一建议, encouraging you to review the syllabus in-depth and ask clarifying questions. Communication and clarity will alleviate expectations and help you feel less anxious about the semester ahead.

时间管理图标 时间管理

The second piece of advice encourages you to focus on time management. 虽然时间管理对任何学生来说都是有用的建议, 这项技能对在线学习者来说尤为重要. Angela Brazeal Hagar, 英语副教授, 说学生“必须能够管理自己的时间”.”

How can you best manage your time given the many competing demands of family, work, and school?

Dr. 约书亚·加西亚, 谁教了十年的在线商务课程, advises that you “set a schedule and stick with it to keep you on track.” Each faculty member asserted the importance of time management. 虽然这种技能对每个学生来说都是不同的, 至关重要的是, 一旦你阅读并复习了课程要求, 你想出一种方法来管理你的时间. 你在网络课程中的成功取决于它.

动机的图标 毅力

A careful reading of the syllabus and good time management will certainly help you succeed in your online courses, 但如果没有毅力. 几乎每个教员都强调 在线学生为自己辩护的重要性 并表现出在课程中取得成功的内在动力. One way to accomplish this is to ask yourself clarifying questions and contact your instructor and perhaps meet during office hours, 如果可能的话. 然而,决心在于你,学生. 当你对课程感到目标和热情时, 你将自然而然地创造时间并练习仔细阅读. This practice, above all else, is essential for your success as an online student. 

Professor Patricia Ann Lamson and the other faculty teaching online throughout the 阿拉莫大学 encourage you to commit to your education and give it your best effort. 拉姆说:

“尽你所能去上课! 你选择的课程只适合你自己. You have chosen a path of study; in doing so, you must put everything into your classes so that you can be successful in your life.”

电脑图标 适当的技术

最后, it is essential to remember that mobile devices should not be your sole point of classroom access. 安吉拉·哈格强调了这一点,她说, “You need to be prepared to log in to your course on an actual computer so that you can see all the resources [and] click on all the modules. Some of those things don’t translate to your tiny cell phone screen.”

Although you can use a tablet or phone to complete specific course activities, 比如在讨论区发帖, 移动设备不适合更复杂的任务. 当你要写论文或参加监考的时候, students will need access to a laptop or desktop computer for the best learning experience. 

如果你准备好投资你的教育和在线学习, know we have a team of dedicated Enrollment Coaches prepared to support you here at 阿拉莫大学. They are here to help you get started with the application process and help guide you through registration for online courses this upcoming semester.

准备好AlamoONLINE. 我们可以帮忙.








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