Online learners overcome fears of returning to college

November 4, 2021

Part 2: Work-school-life balance

Online student Christopher Edwards asks, “How does someone with a toddler, working a 60-hour a week job, go back to school, let alone in the middle of a pandemic?”

His question touches on the second fear of this two-part series that is far too common. How can you balance school, work, and your other obligations? 有工作的学生父母怎样才能在获得学位的同时,在不影响压力和理智的情况下,继续致力于生活的各个方面呢?


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Be organized and strategic with your time.

你的时间有这么多的要求,明智地安排你的时间是很重要的. 在线学生德里克·兰迪斯告诉新生要计划和安排自己的时间. As you prioritize and schedule your time accordingly, 你也可以深入了解自己的自律和性格优势.

For example, 埃里卡·佩雷斯(Erika Perez)喜欢在线学习,因为她“既可以当妈妈,又可以上学——这并不是要么全有,要么全无。.” She focuses on how online learning saves her time. 而不是把时间花在交通堵塞或寻找停车位, 她可以把宝贵的时间用来做一个母亲,完成她的在线课程和, in some moments, both.


即使你对自己的时间安排得很有条理,对生活中的需求也很诚实, you may still feel overwhelmed. 建立最重要的联系和可靠信息的来源之一是你的导师. 在学期开始时,与你的导师沟通并建立融洽的关系. This way, you can ask questions and clarify course topics and assignments, which will ultimately save you time.

在线学生迈克尔·海斯还与新学生分享了“与教授保持良好的对话——他们想帮助你成功。. The professor might not be there physically, but don’t be afraid to reach out to them and ask a question.”


期望自己回到学校时还是那个学生是很诱人的. 然而,你长大了,更聪明了,在很多方面,你是一个不同的学生. Michael Hayes shares, “很多归国学生害怕失败,害怕在学校和生活之间周旋, so we just hold back. 不去尝试和不去尝试肯定会让你在学业上失败. 我建议你试着对自己的期望保持适度, don’t try to hit 18 credits right away.” 

Instead, ease your way into being a student, taking one course at a time, understanding that you are doing the best you can.


Sometimes, 尽管你尽了最大的努力来平衡你的工作,事情仍然会让你感到有挑战, classes, and other life responsibilities. In moments like this, 在这种情况下,它可以帮助你专注于你正在获得的东西和你最终目标的积极方面, earning your degree or college credential. Sometimes maintaining a positive mindset is the best you can do.

For example, 在线学生阿里尔·弗拉加(Ariel Fraga)对在线学习为像她这样的非传统学生提供的服务表示感谢. She can balance her role as mother, employee, 还有在线课程的学生——按照自己的进度努力完成最后期限. 这种好处是她以前的经验所不可能实现的, and she asserts, “I have the convenience to do my work when it works for me.

Unresolved fear can keep you from pursuing your dreams. 这有助于你记住你为什么上大学,专注于你的目标,而不是你的恐惧. 在你所有的生活决定中反映你自己的选择和代理也会很有帮助.

十大网赌正规网址官网的在线教授帕特里夏·安·拉姆森提醒在线学生,他们有能力和选择成功. To online students, she shares:

“Give your classes all you have! The classes you have chosen are for you and you alone. You have chosen a path of study; in doing so, 你必须把一切都投入到课堂上,这样你才能在你的生活中取得成功.”

Get ready to AlamoONLINE. We can help.

AlamoONLINE Enrollment Coaches can:

• Help you start the application process

• Guide you in the enrollment process for fully online courses

• Connect you to registration with a college advisor

• Refer you to services available to online students

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