

学术指导, 职业和转学服务(ACT)团队为学生提供综合的学术和职业服务. NVC and the ACT team are committed to creating opportunities for student success.


我们致力于提供优质的学术咨询服务和有关可用资源的信息,以支持学生实现他们期望的目标. 我们将指导学生完成证书和/或副学士学位,并支持他们过渡到四年制大学或工作. 

Are you a new, returning or transfer student? 

We are excited to help you get started on your educational journey! Before seeking advising services, please click 在这里 determine the admissions steps that apply to you. 

What services can I obtain from the ACT Team?

学术顾问 Services - are provided via phone, 电子邮件, chat and 变焦 to help you in the method that works best for you. All currently enrolled students have been assigned a Certified Academic Advisor. 请查看您的ACES电子邮件,了解您指定的顾问是谁以及如何安排预约. 访问(临时)学生被鼓励与他们的家庭机构顾问讨论在NVC期间应该上什么课. 

  • If you have completed your enrollment checklist, please sign up for the required New Student Orientation/建议 session 在这里.

    Once you have registered for a session, 您将收到有关NSO会议的通知以及帮助您完成注册过程所需的文件. Please come prepared to the New Student Orientation by:

    • 在注册过程开始时完成ACES的学生人口统计调查
    • 如果参加缩放课程-通过电脑登录到缩放课程-这将确保您能够与指导老师共享屏幕,并看到屏幕的所有部分,以帮助您选择课程
    • 有电子邮件发送到您的建议预约时间和个人注册指南访问
    • 准备使用Firefox或Chrome web浏览器注册类(其他浏览器在注册过程中会导致错误)

    您的第一次咨询将在新生入学指导期间与认证顾问进行, w在这里 you will discuss what classes you should take your first semester. 


  • 学术顾问 Services - are provided via phone, 电子邮件, chat and 变焦 to make sure we are helping you in the manner that works best for you. 我们鼓励你每学期与你的指导老师见面,以确保你朝着完成你的教育和职业目标的方向前进. 在你的学术旅程的重要接触点与你的导师见面是特别重要的, such as when you earn 15 credit hours (completion of 1st or 2nd semester), 30 hours (halfway through your degree plan), and 45 credit hours (preparing for transferring, graduation or entering into the workforce).  Not sure how to set up an appointment? 逐步查看 预约指南

    The following services do require an 建议 appointment:

    • If you are being asked for an "alternate PIN" when trying to register
    • Did you receive an 电子邮件 from your instructor and /or advisor asking you to contact them? 查看更多关于 早期预警 以及为什么当你收到这些邮件时,与你的导师和顾问交谈是很重要的.
    • Career Exploration- if you are unsure which career field/ choice is best for you
    • 专业变更
    • Degree Planning, Schedule Building, and Updating your Individual Success Plans in GPS
    • 转移 Planning- to help you prepare to transfer to a 4-year university or college
    • 经济援助申请
    • 留校察看或开除学生-每学期必须与指定的指导老师见面
    • 毕业后的应用程序 
    • Need to request permission to take additional hours? 请浏览 超载请愿书 web page for information about how to complete the petition process. 表格可以在与您指定的认证顾问完成咨询预约后访问. Overload Petitions forms submitted without prior advising may not be accepted. Petitions must be submitted a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the semester starting. 


    • Want more information about career exploration, transfer services and job readiness such as resume reviews, preparing for interviews and job search assistance? 参观 就业及转职服务 点击此处了解更多信息.  
    • Are you  a veteran or dependent and need assistance getting your classes certified, renewing or applying for Hazelwood, or have general advising questions? 参观 Veterans Center for information. 
    • 准备毕业? 毕业建议 
  • Are you transferring to 西北维斯塔学院? 参观 转学生和以前的学生 点击此处了解更多信息 about applying for admission, 如果你在整个过程中需要额外的帮助,可以报名参加课程,并与注册教练会面. 

    Students returning or transferring in who have been academically dismissed may visit the 学术解雇 Petition Process page for information on how to complete the petition process. 

  • If you are trying to register for summer classes recommended by your University advisor, and are receiving a registration error, you may receive assistance through our online chat service. 成绩单显示完成的先决条件课程将需要在援助的时间提供, 并且必须由您所在的学校将官方成绩单发送给雷思,显示最终成绩. 建议你和你的学校顾问谈谈,确定哪些课程可以转回你现在的学位课程.

How do I see an academic advisor? (点击这里)

W在这里 is Enrollment Management held? 记录办公室


十大网赌正规网址官网区 登记 Tutorial

How to build your individual success plan in GPS

How to prepare when planning to transfer


ace注册指南 (PDF)

ace注册教程 (PDF)

如何放弃 之前 人口普查 (PDF)

如何提款 人口普查 (PDF)

