Texas Collegiate Athletic Conference

About the Texas Collegiate Athletic Conference

The Texas Collegiate Athletic Conference (TCAC) consists of teams from 阿拉莫大学 区 sister colleges and from two and four year colleges not associated with any other athletic leagues. Of the hundreds of 圣安东尼奥 high school varsity team players, less than 10% will actually have the opportunity to win athletic scholarships and play on a college varsity team. These former high school players are on 阿拉莫大学 区 college campuses and are looking for a chance to participate in an organized team-based program, 学习新技能, 提高技能水平, to continue to play and enjoy the sport they love, and the social fellowship derived from sports involvement. Texas Collegiate Club Sports League gives students an opportunity to participate in highly competitive sport activities.

试用日期, location and times will be announce within the first two weeks of the semester on the 娱乐体育 web site, ace电子邮件的, 阿拉莫的经验, flyers and posters around campus.

All games are FREE to students with their valid 雷士学生证. Staff, Faculty and guests entry fee is $5.00, so come out and support your student athletes, and show some Wildcat spirit. Please go to the 娱乐体育 日历 or 阿拉莫的经验 for dates, time and location of your favorite sport to cheer for. 



娱乐体育 offers the opportunity to play in the following sports of the TCCSL:

  • 男子篮球 & 女性
  • 女子排球
  • 足球-男子 & 女性
  • Cross Country –  Co-ed Men & 女性 
  • 拉拉队-男女同校 & 女性
  • 电子竞技(即将推出)!)


  • Some high school experience
  • Must be taking a minimum of 3 classes (9hrs) fall & 春季学期
  • 必须保持2.50 GPA and attend all mandatory academic advisory meetings each semester
  • Available to meet all practices, days and time announce during try-outs for each sport

