
东北湖景学院收到了南方学院和学校协会学院委员会(SACSCOC)的官方消息,该机构已获得候选资格. 东北湖景学院现在进入认证过程的最后阶段,需要对所有认证标准做出回应,并计划在2017年春季进行最后一次实地考察

东北湖景学院 continues to exceed its targeted number of graduates annually. Graduation rates are at an all-time high for the institution, 与2015年相比增长了110%.

 April 2016 Texas Education Consortium for Male Students of Color Visits NLC
2016年春季,德克萨斯州有色人种男学生教育联盟的成员访问了东北湖景学院,对该学院针对有色人种男学生的举措进行了实地考察. The Consortium is a joint research partnership between Texas A&M大学和德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校, whose goals are to leverage the collective expertise of diverse educational institutions, 突出机构的最佳做法和政策, and to become a national leader focused on improving male students of color educational outcomes. 东北湖景学院 became of member of this Consortium in April 2015. 

2月23日至24日,东北湖景学院参加了南方学院和学校协会学院委员会(SACSCOC)的现场候选人考察. 访问小组的目的是核实国家图书馆候选资格申请中的信息,并确保该机构符合各项要求标准. 在审查了NLC的文件后, the institution’s application for candidacy status was moved forward for review. 一旦现场小组的调查结果经过审查,将在6月SACSCOC董事会会议上正式指定NLC为候选资格.

南方学院和学校协会委员会(SACSCOC)授予东北湖景学院候选资格实地考察, a significant next step in the accreditation process for the institution. A candidacy site visit is just one step of many in the multi-tiered process towards full accreditation.

NLC joins the Minority Male 社区 大学 Collaborative (M2C3) National Consortium on 大学 Men of Color. 参与M2C3联盟将加强NLC的承诺,以提高历史上代表性不足和服务不足的学生的成功, 包括有色人种. M2C3联盟促进了全国社区学院之间就如何在我们的教育机构中最好地为有色人种提供服务进行思想交流. 社区大学聚集在一起,分享他们的努力,学习促进有色人种男性成功的新策略. 2015年2月推出, the M2C3 has already seen much success in information-sharing between community colleges. An average of more than 1,000 consortium members participates in each webinar.

贾德森早期大学学院(JECA)的四名学生收到了多所一流大学的录取通知书. These schools include Harvard, Dartmouth, MIT, George Washington, and others. 这四名学生总共获得了超过3美元的奖金.500万英镑奖学金. 到目前为止, the 2015 JECA graduating class received upwards of $30M in scholarships to continue their education.

夜鹰之友(FON)是NLC于2014年夏季和秋季举办的社区倾听会议的结果,于2014年12月成立的总统咨询委员会. 其目的是提高对东北湖景学院的认识和倡导,并推进学院的使命. 代表包括来自学院服务的每个城市的Metrocom成员以及学区和大学代表.

NLC pilots its Adopt-a-School initiative by adopting three schools for the 2014-2015 academic year. 这一倡议背后的想法是将大学经历带给所有学生,让他们经历整个教育过程(从学前班到高中)。. The initiative will help develop an understanding of college and the importance of setting goals.

August 2014 Representative Cuellar Speaks at 大学 Scholarship Ceremony
Congressman Cuellar (TX-28) delivered the keynote address at the August 2014 Scholarship Ceremony. He spoke on his own higher education experiences and congratulated the students for their achievements. NLC awarded almost $300K in scholarships to its students, which adds to the more than $1.5M awarded to students since 东北湖景学院 was established in 2007.

January 2014 Early 大学 High School Students Celebrate $3M in Scholarships
贾德森早期大学学院(JECA)的第二批学生将于2014年春季毕业,并获得副学士学位. They held a “Next Step” Ceremony as they get ready to transfer to a university. 在JECA大四班的97名学生中, 81 have already been accepted to a university or universities. 到目前为止, 39 students have received scholarships totaling over $3M.

西尔维亚L. Zecca, 西班牙语助理教授, was accepted into the NAFSA: Association for International Learners Academy for International Education (Class 11). The Academy is an introduction to international education and its major practice areas. 这是一个密集的, 为期一年的培训计划,提供了一个独特的机会,发展个人和专业能力,并准备在国际教育领域的领导. She is the only 阿拉莫大学 employee accepted into the program this year.

东北湖景学院 awarded more than $500K in scholarships for the 2013-2014 academic year.

东北湖景学院是全国473所获得由国家人文基金会(NEH)资助的“创造平等基金”的院校之一。. The grant uses a set of four films that chronicle the history of the civil rights movement. 东北湖景学院围绕这四部纪录片举办了一系列电影放映和社区小组讨论.

November 2013 NLC Student Presents Lecture at Texas Undergraduate Mathematics Conference
NLC学生,Mr. 马修·巴克曼, 做了一个15分钟的小讲座,题目是“PBDR中数据的块循环分布及其对计算效率的影响”.” Mr. 巴赫曼参加了2013年夏季马里兰大学巴尔的摩县分校(UMBC)本科生高性能计算(HPC)研究经验(REU). 巴赫曼是MS2015学者之一,每年获得1万美元的助学金奖学金,就读NLC并主修数学. 

负责提高毕业率, NLC hosted a series of graduation activities between October 2011 and April 2012. The goals were to create awareness of associate degrees at the 十大网赌正规网址官网区, provide an understanding for students of why an associate is important, 并提供学生可以用它做什么的信息. The project yielded a more than 143% increase in graduates from 2011 to 2012.

June 2012 Grant Helps Underserved Kids Attend Robotics Camp

圣安东尼奥牲畜博览会(SALE)批准了36美元,将通过东北湖景学院的La Cena项目为营养学专业的学生提供奖学金. La Cena项目历时三年, grant-funded project designed to increase the number of students who major in Nutrition.

东北湖景学院 had the largest team at the 2011 Alzheimer’s Walk, 共有228名参与者是学生, 员工, 以及他们的家庭成员. Additionally, NLC was the fourth largest fundraising team with $4,154.