
圣安东尼奥学院的使命是通过满足多样化和全球网络化社会的高等教育需求,使我们的社区获得成功. To help students achieve their full potential by preparing them to graduate, transfer, or enter the workforce with effective critical thinking skills, 沟通能力, 领导能力, personal and civic responsibility, empirical and quantitative understanding, 性能水平, and the ability to work effectively in teams.


Welcome to online learning at 圣安东尼奥学院

We understand life can be busy juggling family, work, and school.  在线学习确保学生达到他们的学术目标,同时保持与他们的个人和职业生活的联系.  圣安东尼奥学院 offers multiple virtual resources for online learning.


在线学位课程 动态课程搜索

     Below are resources and support offered by 圣安东尼奥学院 to help you.   




     支付学费 Tutoring      技术支持 for 在线学习 


     How to Prepare for 在线学习


Before enrolling in an online course or pursuing an online program, students should meet with an academic advisor.   






     Contact Us




Contact Us

Visit the 招生和援助 website
Visit the 欢迎中心 website 



Check Online Course Availability  View the 阿拉莫大学 online course offerings 查看在线课程列表. Distance courses are additionally listed on SAC课程目录 together with all on-campus courses.
申请入学  学生应首先在圣安东尼奥学院(SAC)注册课程.  Follow the enrollment procedures on Admissions & Aid. 
注册课程 Once you complete the enrollment procedures, you can register for classes via ACES.
课程教学大纲 Syllabi from Fall 2013 to present are accessible through 网上教学大纲, 阿拉莫大学 District syllabi delivery system. Visit the 课程教学大纲 浏览更多信息.
学生手册 and Acceptable Use Policy  远程学习手册 | 学生手册

Appropriate Use of Information Technology Resources
培训班  每月为需要帮助的学生举办免费技术培训讲习班. 这些研讨会旨在让学生熟悉成为一名成功的在线学习者所需的技能. Access the 学生大型实验室 了解更多信息.
Canvas   Canvas是一个学习管理系统,它使教师能够管理和向学生提供在线课程. Canvas可以通过ACES访问,方法是单击MY COURSES选项卡,然后单击课程链接.  有关更多信息,请参阅 Canvas学生快速指南 or visit our 基础设施/画布 page.
图书馆服务 The 圣安东尼奥学院图书馆 offers both on-site and online resources.  For more information, select the 远程学习 图书馆网站内的连结.
测试/监督 在大多数情况下, 测试选项由课程讲师自行决定,因此您的课程可能需要现场或监考测试. 

Textbooks are available in-person or online at the 学校书店. To purchase the latest computer equipment at an education discount, or for tech repairs and services, stop by the 爱思科技商店穆迪学习中心207. 

Get Involved

在圣安东尼奥学院,我们为学生提供许多参与的机会:俱乐部和组织|大学广播: KSYM 90.1 FM 


What types of 远程学习 courses are offered?

Online  - Course with 100% of instruction delivered via the Internet  

杂交/混合  - Face-to-face (seated) course combined with required online assignments/tasks. Face-to-face meeting times will be determined by each department. 注册混合或混合课程的学生必须能够访问互联网,除了在预定的上课日开会外,还能够在线完成指定的课程活动.  


Web-Enhanced -课程是面对面授课,要求学生有互联网接入,以便在线完成指定的任务.

Interactive Video Conferencing (IVC) -圣安东尼奥学院使用高质量的交互式视频和音频会议系统连接到远程教室.  教师和学生在预定的时间和地点进行实时视频会议互动.  学生们将使用一键通麦克风与远程站点的参与者进行交流. 


在线课程的学生通过课程网站与他们的老师和同学进行电子交流. 讲师在网站上发布讲座、作业、测验、公告和课堂笔记. 课堂可能会在论坛上回答问题、评论或上传作业或小测验.

Can anyone take an online course?

在线课程是为那些希望学习灵活方便的学生设计的. 所有在线课程都是经过全面认证的,被认为等同于在校课程. 任何有资格参加校内课程的人都可以报名参加在线课程. Check course schedule for course offerings.

How much computer and internet experience do I need?

You must be able to navigate the internet and know how to download files, attach files, send email and use software such as word processors. If you feel that you may need more experience, visit the 学生MegaLab at MLC 502 for assistance and workshops.

What should I have to take an online course?
  • Regular access to the Internet and a computer.
  • A recent version of a web browser such as Firefox or Microsoft Explorer.
  • 电子邮件地址
  • Current word processing software (If required by the Instructor)
  • 基本的计算机技能
Will I be required to attend class meetings at the College?

This is determined by the course instructor. Some instructors’ have on-campus meetings and some do not. Please consult with the instructor. 


Canvas is an internet based learning management system that supports e-learning. 十大网赌正规网址官网区目前使用Canvas来全面交付一些课程,并作为其他课程的补充交付工具. Canvas is accessed via the “My Courses” tab within ACES. Most of our instructors use Canvas to communicate with their students. 请向您的导师咨询他们正在使用的工具来交付课程. Visit our 基础设施/画布 浏览更多信息.

I don’t have a computer at home. Can I still take an online course?

Yes, as long as you have access to a computer that is connected to the Internet. Some students use computers where they work or attend school. 

Will I have to be online at a particular time?

This will depend on the instructor. 一些教师要求学生在特定时间在线参加测验或参加讲座或聊天. Consult with the instructor for details.

What do I do if I cannot access my course online?

如果由于某些原因你不能访问你的课程,那么发邮件或联系你的老师. For technical issues, you can also contact our helpdesk at (210) 485-0555.


I教师将在课程大纲中描述每门课的评估和评分政策. For specific questions on course procedures, 评分量表, 课程要求, 联系你的教练.

Is a textbook required for an online course?

This will depend on the instructor. 如果课程需要教科书,你必须在课程开始前购买教科书. Textbook costs are not included in tuition and fees. Contact our college bookstore to purchase the textbook. Information about the textbooks are included within the syllabus. 

Can I purchase Microsoft Office at a discount?

Students and teachers are eligible for a free copy of Office 365 Education, 其中包括Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, 现在是微软团队, 加上额外的课堂工具. Sign up and download your free copy at: products.office.com/en-us/student/office-in-education 

The 十大网赌正规网址官网区 academic software purchase site (http://alamo.onthehub.com)为Adobe Creative Cloud等其他流行软件提供大幅折扣.

我还有更多问题. 我可以和谁通话?

Ask our 在线咨询 or contact our College Distance Education Office at sac-it@alamo.Edu或电话210-486-0030. The Distance Education office is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST周一至周五. 我们是来帮助你的.