TPEG Spring 2022



为了帮助您消除入学计划的任何经济障碍, 十大网赌正规网址官网区学生经济援助办公室为符合条件的学生提供增加的德克萨斯州公共教育补助金(TPEG)奖励.

This increased award ensures you can enroll in 在2022年春季学期最多15个小时,免费.



Which students were eligible for the updated award?




What was updated on my financial aid?


*请注意,礼品援助只能增加到您剩余的“需要”,以避免经济援助超额奖励. For more information, see the Financial Aid Overawards section of the Maintaining Your Eligibility webpage.

Do the courses I take have to be on my degree plan?

你应该只选读那些对你的学位或证书有帮助的课程 cost of attendance (COA) for financial aid is based on eligible courses only.

如果你注册了12个或更多的学时,计入你的学习计划(学位或证书), 按出勤费计算,你将被视为全日制学生. 

尽管州和机构援助不受相同的联邦监管限制, 您的出勤费用将仅基于与您的学习计划相关的课程作业. 这可能会导致国家或机构的援助金额减少,因为你的总援助不能超过你的就读成本.

For more information on this, see the CPOS section of the Processing Your Aid webpage.

我的学费可以报销,但我还有其他障碍阻止我入学. What other services can help?

十大网赌正规网址官网区为所有人提供方便和负担得起的高等教育服务. In addition to financial aid, our wraparound services help students with advising, career counseling, healthcare and more. We recently announced AlamoBOOKS+, 在2022年春季和夏季学期提供免费教科书租赁服务.

If you have a hold on your account, 我们鼓励你与你的指导老师一起寻找额外的支持或资源来消除阻碍.

Additional Resources

Academic Advising Advocacy Services
AlamoBOOKS+ Career Counseling
How do I register for classes?

Visit the Register for Classes 网页,学习如何使用在线注册工具,完全在线注册课程.


If you have additional questions, contact your college’s financial aid office.

How can I check my updated financial aid award?
  1. Log into ACES at
  2. Select the ‘My Page’ option from the sidebar menu
  3. 点击页面右侧的“助学金”链接
  4. 从下拉菜单中选择正确的奖项年度,然后按“提交”
  5. Click on the ‘Award Overview’ tab and review awards

View the step-by-step process

Why did I receive a call from Trellis Company?


Trellis代表我们联系学生关于重要的截止日期, announcements, financial resources, and other information.

Trellis可能会提醒你关于十大网赌正规网址官网的表格或付款, 但他们不会直接要求或接受你的任何东西.