

The benefits of 国际ization in the context of higher education were clearly articulated by the American Association of State Universities and 大学 in its 2004 report, 呼吁领导:校长在大学国际化中的作用

  • Internationalization helps students develop the global critical thinking skills that are essential to contributing as citizens of the world and competing in the 国际 marketplace.
  • 国际化将社区与世界联系起来, expanding opportunities for university service and engagement while also enhancing their global competitiveness.
  • Internationalization contributes to national security and a vital economy and prepares world leaders who know and value American democracy.
  • 国际化活跃了师资、学术和教学, 扩大研究机会, 并提供了一条通往国内和国际地位的途径.
    来源: 全国通信协会.

我们非常努力地使这个过程尽可能地无缝. Many of the courses we already offer at 十大网赌正规网址官网区 can be easily enhanced to add or adapt the components needed. 通过完成本课程, 教职员工将充分了解其好处, 技术, 以及实施课程的可选方案.


作为学科专家,我们依靠教师来决定这一点. Some faculty may find the 国际ization process to be easier with a course they truly know well, but starting a new course also has its advantages as keeping the competencies in mind from the beginning has multiple advantages such as the ability to apply backward design, making sure the activities implemented as part of the course support the learning and development of the Alamo Global competencies, 等.

在我的课程中,我已经有了必须完成的学习目标. 我不能再加什么了.

Internationalizing your course does not require you to add new content or assignments to your course but rather to enhance what is already t在这里 with a global perspective. You can do this in many ways such as through adapting an existing assignment to focus on a more global lens. 以帮助您确定您想要添加到您的课程的全局镜头的焦点, this Canvas course will help you create a learning outcome separate from your required learning objectives.


我们的管理部门已经证实,可以在您的课程中添加额外的SLO. 为了将它们与学习目标区分开来,我们称之为全球学习成果.

The following was taken from the guide published by the Texas Higher Education Board for academic courses, ACGM's Lower-Division Course Guide Manual published by the Texas Higher Education Board for academic courses, 和ACGM的低级别课程指南手册.

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"...Institutions may not delete any topics in the course descriptions or any of the student learning outcomes as provided in the ACGM. 根据当地的需要,一个机构可能会包括额外的主题和学习成果. Additional topics and learning outcomes should not change the focus and primary function of the course as represented by the topics and learning outcomes in the ACGM."

来源: 学术课程的ecb /ACGM -低级别课程指南手册.



你可以在佛罗里达国际大学看到国际化课程的例子 在这里. 使用搜索选项来查找您的特定主题区域.


国际项目办公室在这里提供帮助! 他们可以帮助你解决提交文件的程序问题. They will also be able to connect you with a faculty colleague from the Working Group for the Internationalization of the Curriculum to assist you with any pedagogically-focused questions you may have.

通过电子邮件或电话联系: Sherrie Radicke, 210-485-0814


指定的有效期为三年. 在那之后, the course is reviewed to make sure the current documentation meets administration requirements and/or follows new best practices that may have been adopted by the 区. If any small editions are needed the Office of 国际项目 and/or the Faculty Working Group will assist faculty to be aware of this and work together to make any updates.

  • 教师可以看到佛罗里达国际大学提供的其他例子 在这里.
    • 注意:搜索选项将帮助教师在他们的主题领域找到一个例子. 
  • 十大网赌正规网址官网区国际化课程范例:来了 很快!
  • You can view some examples of course 国际ization strategies by Waterloo faculty 在这里. 在这里下载

你需要为每门课程提交一个包来获得指定.  如果您教授同一课程的多个部分,则不需要提交单独的包.

You only need to take this Canvas course once and you can then use the knowledge and tools to complete and submit a packet for each of the courses you want 国际ized.




Course 国际ization is “a process by which 国际 elements are infused into course content, 在课程阅读和作业中使用国际资源, and instructional methodologies appropriate to a culturally diverse student population are implemented" (Schuerholz-Lehr et al., 2007, p. 70).

如何使一门课程国际化有多种方法, from the addition of a module or assignment that is 国际 in scope to a complete course re‐design w在这里 the entire course is structured around the learning and assessing of global (global, 国际, 跨文化学习成果. (美国印第安纳大学全球变化研究中心.