Alamo Collaborative Online International Learning




也叫telecollaboration,  虚拟交流是指使用在线交流工具,将地理位置遥远的学习者聚集在一起,目的是通过在线协作任务和项目来发展他们的外语技能和数字和跨文化能力.

What kind of virtual exchange does 十大网赌正规网址官网区 offer?

阿拉莫线圈涉及将来自不同国家的两个或多个班级连接在一起 或跨学科 课程内容. 一次连接, 教师的合作伙伴设计课程模块,让学生参与交流和协作.

或跨学科的虚拟交流以跨文化能力等变革性学习目标为指导, 全球公民, 个人成长, 知识的增长, and professional development.


Virtual Exchanges, Learning Outcomes, and Global Competencies

通过参与虚拟交流,学生不仅获得了技能,还拓展了世界观, but they also achieve learning outcomes and knowledge, 技能, and attitudes that align with the 大学, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), 以及南方学院和学校协会学院委员会(SACSCOC). Acquisition of knowledge, 技能, 态度是学生接触和参与虚拟交流的结果,也是他们通过跨文化互动获得全球能力的结果.


What COIL courses are available?

The following courses have been offered through COIL. COIL courses vary per semester. 有关带有COIL属性的课程,请参考您所在学院的课程时间表.

PSYT 1325 – Psychology of Death and Dying

DRAM 2355 – Script Analysis

ENVR 1301 – Environmental Science I

SPCH 1321 -商业 & Professional Communication

MRKG – Customer Service Management

HRPO 1311 – Business Management

ARTS 1301 – Art Appreciation

BIOL 1407 – Biology for Science Majors II

MUEN 1132 – Instrumental Chamber Ensemble

CRIJ 1307 – Crime in America

ENGL 1301 – Composition I

COMM 1307 – Introduction to Mass Communication (Honors Course)


All five 大学 may participate in COIL.

Which professors COIL at our 大学?

The AlamoCOIL Village is open to all faculty. Our list of professors changes each semester and includes Dr. 何塞·路易斯·莫雷诺博士. 斯科特·沃克博士. Alba DeLeon, Sabra Booth, Dr. 塞莱斯蒂诺·瓦伦丁博士. Marie Valentin, Melinda Zepeda, Dr. 奥蕾莉亚·罗查博士. Yael Edrey, Andrea Fuentes, Brenya Buchalski, Ellen Walroth, Hector Garza和Kahala Crayton.

How does COIL help me after graduation?

成功完成COIL课程的学生可以在他们的经验成绩单上获得完成,以展示全球竞争力的知识. 学生 who are globally competent are highly sought after in the workforce.

How do I enroll in a COIL course?

学生可以在常规注册期间通过ace注册COIL课程. 在相应的大学课程时间表上,使用COIL属性标记COIL课程.

How much does a COIL class cost?

COIL courses are regular Alamo 大学 区 courses and do not cost extra. Simply enroll in a COIL course as you would any 大学 course.

Can I use my financial aid for COIL courses?

是的. 您可以使用您的经济援助来支付COIL课程,就像您注册的任何其他课程一样.

Are t在这里 prerequisites to participate in a COIL course?

COIL courses have the same prerequisites as the corresponding traditional courses. No additional prerequisites are required.

Do COIL courses count toward my degree plan?

这是可能的. Depending on the COIL course you take, it may be part of your degree plan. 所有的COIL课程都可以算作体验式学习,并且可以在AlamoEXPERIENCE中捕获您的课外成绩单. 

Is COIL part of the Alamo Global Student Distinction Program?

学生 earn five co-curricular miles for each COIL course they complete. The more COIL courses you finish, the more miles you earn toward the Alamo Global Student Distinction Program. 里程累积在您的Alamo EXPERIENCE联合课程成绩单中,并与您参与批准的国际活动的水平相对应.

了解更多 about the AGS 在这里

Can I earn a digital badge for completing COIL courses?

是的,你可以. 成功修毕COIL课程的学生最多可获得三个电子徽章. Badges include Global and Cultural Openness, Global and Cultural Curiosity, and Global and Cultural Communication. 教师与我们的COIL协调员合作,帮助学生完成一份简短的问卷,以获得他们的数字徽章. 

AlamoCOIL Student Connection

了解更多 about COIL courses, 事件, and the importance of virtual exchange programs toward experiential learning. Join the AlamoCOIL student family in AlamoEXPERIENCE.





Faculty Open Application Period

Fall Call for Applications is from January - April. Spring Call for Applications is from October - November. T在这里 are a limited number of seats for new COIL Villagers each semester. 提交COIL提案 below to join the next cohort.


伊办将拨出财政资源,以选择活动,协助在整个十大网赌正规网址官网区执行综合方案. These resources will include:

  • Paid professional development opportunities
  • Administrative support for partnering efforts
  • Regular recognition of COIL faculty champions
  • Can be created in any discipline; interdisciplinary collaborations work well
  • 鼓励学生积极学习和团队合作,包括强调跨文化的互动和理解
  • Can be 5 - 15 weeks long
  • Are graded activities in each participating class
  • Can use any technology tools that serve the learning goals
Progression of 线圈模块



COIL can be implemented with a variety of courses from a variety of disciplines. 包括:生物学,护理学,心理学,统计学,STEM和英语,仅举几例.



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为了开发成功的COIL模块,我们必须有多种合作伙伴可供选择. 教师可以选择自己已有的合作伙伴,也可以从我们通过加入纽约州立大学全球合作伙伴网络(GPN)和拉丁美洲COIL网络获得的160多个合作伙伴中进行选择.  




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LaTanya K Kurney
